Carmel | 750ML
Carmel King David Sacramental
Kvint | 750ML
Kvint Kosher Cabernet Sauvignon
Kvint Kosher Merlot
Carmel King David Concord
Ben Ami | 750ML
Ben Ami Zmora Cabernet Sauvignon Semi Sweet
Liquor Barn | 750ML
Morad Passion Fruit Wine
Yarden | 750ML
Yarden Mount Hermon White
Morad Pomegranate Wine
Kaiken Ultra Malbec
Yarden Chardonnay
Amalaya Malbec
Yarden Merlot
Wild Goat Kosher Malbec
Yarden Mount Hermon Red
Borgo Reale Kosher Pinot Grigio
Galil Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon
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